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[編輯] 冥古宙

時代 事件
46 地球從環繞早期太陽旋轉的吸積盤之中形成。
45.33億年前 原始的地球忒伊亞相撞,在原始地球周圍產生一個環,這個環在數百萬年之後形成月球。重力的拉扯使地球的自轉軸傾斜,建立了地球生命的形成環境。[1]
41億年前 地球表面溫度降低使地殼得以凝固,大氣海洋形成。[2]
40億年前 最早生命的出現,可能是源於能夠自我複製RNA分子。這些生命的繁殖所需要的資源有限,所以不久之後便開始競爭。由於天擇青睞在複製上更有效率的分子,因此DNA逐漸成為最主要的複製物。之後它們開始在內發展,這些膜擁有更穩定的物理與化學環境,形成了原始的細胞。此時大氣中尚未有自由的氧氣存在。
39億年前 後期重轟炸期:地球、月球火星金星受到小行星彗星微行星)撞擊的高峰期。連續的干擾可能誘發生命演化(參胚種論),海洋被完全煮沸。[3]


[編輯] 太古宙

時代 事件
35億年前 最後共同祖先出現,細菌古細菌分裂。細菌發展了光合作用的原始模式,但最初不會產生。這些生物透過電化學梯度產生三磷酸腺苷
30億年前 能進行光合作用的藍菌出現,牠們以還原劑,並排出氧。氧首先將海洋中的氧化,產生鐵礦石。氧在大氣層濃度上升,對很多細菌都有毒。

[編輯] 元古宙

時代 事件
25億年前 一些細菌演化到有能力去使用來有效的從有機物中抽取能量。差不多所有生物都用相同的三羧酸循環氧化磷酸化來使用氧。"runaway icehouse"效應[4]造成休倫系冰期。[5]
21億年前 更多複雜的細胞出現,包括有細胞器真核生物。最接近的可能就是古細菌。大部份有細胞器的都可能是從共生細菌衍生而來:粒線體會用像現今立克次體般從有機物抽取能量,而葉綠體則從及有機物合成能量。這是共同演化的例子。
12億年前 出現有性生殖,引發更快的演化。[6]大部份的生命海洋及湖中出現,一些藍菌已經生活在濕潤的泥土中。
10億年前 多細胞生物出現,首先是生活在海洋中的海苔[7]
10-7.5億年前 第一個超級大洲羅迪尼亞形成及重新分裂。
9.5-7.8億年前 斯圖爾特冰期:這個時期是多重及接近全球性的冰期,反覆的從冰雪地球變為溫室地球
9億年前 每年共有481日,每天18小時。地球的自轉公轉逐漸變慢。
7.5-5.8億年前 根據冰雪地球假說,前寒武紀成冰紀冰河時期非常嚴重,連海洋亦完全結冰,只有在熱帶的海水仍保持是液態
6億年前 多孔動物刺胞動物扁形動物及其他多細胞動物在海洋出現。刺胞動物及櫛水母是最早有神經元的生物,神經元只是一個簡單的網,沒有腦部中央神經系統
6-5.4億年前 第二個超級大陸潘諾西亞形成及分裂。
5.65-5.25億年前 寒武紀大爆發產生了所有現今動物的主要的,其成因仍然存疑。以三葉蟲為主的節肢動物是最主要的門。脊索動物皮卡蟲可能是人類的祖先。奇蝦是達2米長的獵食者,牠的後代可能是皆口類海蜘蛛[8][9][10]

[編輯] 顯生宙


[編輯] 古生代

時代 事件
5.30億年前 第一個在陸地上的腳印。
5.05億年前 第一個脊椎動物甲冑魚出現,與現今八目鰻盲鰻綱有關。海口魚屬昆明魚都是沒有頜的魚類,或稱無頷總綱
4.88億年前 寒武紀奧陶紀間發生第一次生物集群滅絕,是為寒武紀-奧陶紀滅絕事件
4.75億年前 第一個原始植物綠藻演化[11]並移至陸地上[12],沿湖邊生長。與它們一同的有真菌,可能植物與真菌是共生的,地衣就是共生的例證。
4.50億年前 節肢動物的外骨骼可以支撐身體及阻止水份流失[13],是第一類移至陸地的動物[14]最早的有多足綱馬陸蜈蚣),及後有蜘蛛蠍子
4.5-4.4億年前 奧陶紀-志留紀滅絕事件發生,這是第二次的生物集群滅絕。
4億年前 首類沒有翅膀的昆蟲,即蠹魚跳蟲纓尾蟲出現。第一類鯊魚亦出現。[15]首條腔棘魚出現,在1938年發現活標本前牠們被誤以為是已經滅絕了很久,並被認為是活化石
3.7億年前 裂口鯊屬是高速的獵食者。[16]
3.65億年前 晚泥盆紀滅絕事件發生,是第三次生物集群滅絕。昆蟲在地上及淡水中從多足綱演化。一些淡水的肉鰭亞綱發展了腳及成為十足目。十足目(魚石螈棘螈Pederpes finneyae)利用牠們的腳走上陸地,可能是為了獵痕昆蟲。肺部魚鰾演化出來。兩棲類今天仍保有很多早期十足目的特徵。
3.6億年前 植物演化了能保護植物胚體及容易快速生長的種子結構。伍德利坑錫林揚環形坑出現。
3.6-2.86億年前 鯊魚的黃金時期。[17].
3.5-2.5億年前 卡羅冰河時期在早石炭紀開始,於晚二疊紀完結。由於極移,大部份的岡瓦那大陸亞洲南美洲中心至印度澳洲中心都冰封了。
3億年前 盤古大陸形成及維持了1億2千萬年。這是地球上的大洲最後一次閉合在一起。羊膜卵的演化,產生了能在地上繁殖的羊膜動物爬行動物。昆蟲能夠飛行,並出現了多個目(如古網翅目、Megasecoptera、Diaphanopterodea及原直翅目),蜻蜓目代表了很多早期的昆蟲。大部份石松綱有節植物門桫欏目森林覆蓋陸地,當它們衰化後變成了原油裸子植物開始廣泛分化。蘇鐵科首次出現。
2.8億年前 原蜻蜓目巨脈蜻蜓是最大的昆蟲,翅膀展開長達2呎。脊椎動物,包括兩棲動物離片錐目石炭蜥目殼椎亞綱、早期的爬行動物無孔亞綱下孔亞綱出現,例如基龍
2.56億年前 二碩齒獸小頭獸二齒獸雷塞獸Dinogorgon原犬鱷龍出現,牠們是生存於南非俄羅斯的眾多獸孔目的一小群。鋸齒龍科是大型的草食性動物。最初的初龍形動物出現。
2.5億年前 二疊紀-三疊紀滅絕事件殺死約90%的所有動物,這是第四次及最嚴重的生物集群滅絕。滅絕過後,水龍獸是地表最常見的草食性動物。初龍類分開演化出其他的爬行動物。真骨總目輻鰭魚綱演化,最後成為主要的魚類。大氣層含量下降至以往三分之一的10%,所有有氣泡呼吸系統的動物生長理想。一些桿狀菌菌株2-9-3的孢子被困在新墨西哥州的鹽結晶中,於2000年重新活躍及分裂,現成為世界上最古老的生物

[編輯] 中生代

時代 事件
2.2億年前 氣候非常乾燥,適合這種氣候的初龍類裸子植物得益。初龍類分化成為鱷魚恐龍翼龍目。在合弓綱中,演化出哺乳動物的首個先軀獸孔目,特別是真犬齒獸下目。最初牠們都是細小的。所有哺乳動物幼時都有乳腺及能保持恆常體溫。常染色體對中的一個得到SRY基因(從X染色體的SOX3基因衍生而來)成為Y染色體,長度亦縮短了。裸子植物(松柏門佔大部份)是陸地上的主要植物草食性動物成長為巨大的體型以消化這些植物。
2.08-1.44億年前 鯊魚的第二次主要擴展。[18].
2億年前 第五次生物集群滅絕三疊紀-侏羅紀滅絕事件發生。海中的爬行動物包括魚龍類蛇頸龍類興盛。恐龍從滅絕事件中存活過來,並成長為巨大的體型,但槽齒類全面死亡。現今的兩棲類滑體亞綱包括無尾目有尾目蚓螈開始出現。聯體病毒科可追溯至這個或更早的時期。[19]
1.8億年前 盤古大陸開始分裂為幾個大陸,最大的是岡瓦那大陸,由現今的南極洲澳洲南美洲非洲印度組成,南極洲當時還是一片森林北美洲歐亞大陸當時仍然連接,是為勞亞大陸
1.64億年前 最古老能游泳的哺乳動物獺形狸尾獸出現,是現今如鴨嘴獸針鼴等哺乳動物的直系祖先。
1.6億年前 3米長的五彩冠龍中國西北的新疆出現,是最早的暴龍超科
1.5億年前 巨大的恐龍甚為普遍及多樣化,有腕龍迷惑龍劍龍異特龍、細小的嗜鳥龍奧斯尼爾龍鳥類獸腳亞目演化出來。始祖鳥是鳥類的祖先,有爪及羽毛,但沒有喙。
1.35億年前 禽龍林龍等新的恐龍在侏羅紀滅絕後出現。顧氏小盜龍在中國東北遼寧出現,身長77厘米,四翼上有類似鳥類的羽毛。
1.33億年前 原始熱河鳥在中國東北出現,牠有大及強壯的翼,並保有像恐龍的長骨質尾巴。
1.30億年前 被子植物演化出可以吸引昆蟲及其他動物散播花粉花朵。被子植物的革新引發動物的演化及共同演化
1.28億年前 帝龍在中國遼寧出現,有羽毛及體長5呎。
1.25億年前 現今有胎盤哺乳動物的祖先攀援始祖獸出現,牠像現今的睡鼠鸚鵡嘴龍是後期有角恐龍的祖先。
1.23億年前 千禧中國鳥龍有原始的羽毛但不是用作飛翔,其他有羽毛恐龍包括中華龍鳥長城鳥,牠們共同的祖先為始祖鳥。其他恐龍包括多刺甲龍始暴龍出現。
1.10億年前 8公噸重及12米長最大的鱷魚帝鱷出現。肉食性恐龍包括馳龍科恐爪龍棘龍科,草食性恐龍包括波塞東龍高吻龍蜥結龍
1.00億年前 巨大獸腳亞目的鯊齒龍南方巨獸龍出現。
8800萬年前 印度及馬達加斯加大陸分裂。
8000萬年前 蜥腳下目鴨嘴龍科角龍科獸腳亞目很多的恐龍種類出現,超過一半已知的恐龍都是在中生代的最後3千萬年,被子植物生長後開始出現。印度開始移往歐亞大陸。
7500萬年前 人類老鼠的最後共同祖先出現。[20][21]

[編輯] 新生代

時代 事件
6500萬年前 白堊紀-第三紀滅絕事件將差不多一半的動物物種(包括所有不能飛的恐龍)消滅,可能是因小行星撞擊揚起微塵覆蓋整個地球,引起氣候變冷所致。墨西哥希克蘇魯伯隕石坑出現。沒有了巨大及白天活動的恐龍,哺乳動物的多樣性及體型得以增長。一些哺乳動物重回海洋,如鯨魚海牛目鰭足亞目等,其他的亦開始演化成能飛行,如蝙蝠。一類細小、生活在夜間及棲息樹上吃昆蟲統獸總目分支出靈長目樹鼩及蝙蝠。靈長目有雙目視覺及抓東西的指,可以幫助從一顆樹跳往另一顆。更猴就是一個例子,牠於4500萬年前滅絕。
6000萬年前 古食肉目(可能是細齒獸類的祖先)在北半球出現,於520萬年前滅絕。
5500萬年前 澳洲南極洲中分裂出來。最早的真靈長類首次於北美洲亞洲歐洲出現,例如美國懷俄明州辛普森氏果猴中國雲南亞洲德氏猴尖吻鯖鯊可能是大白鯊的祖先。[22][23][24]
5000萬年前 始祖馬開始進行演化。鯨魚及海豚的祖先遊走鯨可能像海獅般在陸地上行走及像水獺在海中游泳,牠的腳有蹼,並且是以耳朵聲音Pezosiren portelli是現今海牛的祖先,像河馬般在陸地上行走及像水獺在海中游泳。細齒獸類包括小古貓屬是所有浣熊狐狸土狼狐狼麝貓的祖先,是肉食性及像鼬鼠般可以爬樹。
4850萬年前 冠恐鳥是1.75米高的肉食性鳥類,是頂尖掠食者
4650萬年前 遊走鯨後代的羅德侯鯨是鯨魚的祖先,開始不再飲用淡水。
4300萬年前 始祖象出現,有長的鼻,但沒有象鼻或象牙。
4000萬年前 靈長目分支成原猴亞目簡鼻亞目,簡鼻亞目是白天活動及草食性的。
3700萬年前 龍王鯨的後肢開始縮少及發現完好,聽覺開始經下顎傳至中耳。在埃及鯨魚谷當時是在水中,龍王鯨未有呼吸孔,要把頭部伸出水面呼吸。原猴亞目的早期祖先Biretia fayumensisBiretia megalopsis在埃及沙漠出現。[25]
3500萬年前 禾本科被子植物中演化出來。
3000萬年前 簡鼻亞目分支成闊鼻小目狹鼻小目。闊鼻小目有卷尾及遷移至南美洲,雄性是色盲的。狹鼻小目留在非洲,其中一種祖先可能是埃及猿Bugtipithecus inexpectansPhileosimias kamaliPhileosimias brahuiorum像現今的狐猴是生活在巴基斯坦中部布格蒂丘陵雨林中。所有的祖先原小熊貓生活在歐洲的樹上,在2000萬年前滅絕。
2750萬年前 巨犀生活在蒙古
2700萬年前 長腿恐鶴美洲,於15000年前滅絕。
2500萬年前 狹鼻小目雄性可以看見顏色及失去了費洛蒙[26]狹鼻小目分支成兩個總科猴總科人型總科。猴總科並沒有卷尾,有些甚至原全沒有尾巴。所有人型總科都沒有尾巴。
2200萬年前 印度與亞洲]]碰撞,產生喜瑪拉雅山青藏高原。由於濕度被斷絕,中亞洲成為了沙漠。恐象出現,於200萬年前滅絕。部份像狗、熊及浣熊的Ursavus elmensis(所有熊的祖先)出現,其體型只有狐狸般大,以植物及昆蟲來補足肉食。第一類貓熊亞科分支出來,當中只有大熊貓能生存至今。
2100萬年前 的生物乘坐植物造成的筏由馬達加斯加漂浮至非洲,並成為所有當地肉食性哺乳動物的祖先。
2000萬年前 非洲板塊與亞洲碰撞。熊狗是狗的祖先,第五爪縮短了,有現今狗的上爪的影子。牠們的外表像現今的麝貓,腳及腳趾適合奔走。犬科貓科開始分支。的祖先嵌齒象出現。
1900萬年前 大地懶出現,於8000年前滅絕。
1600萬年前 鮫齒鯨顯示鯨魚的早期回聲定位。巨牙鯊是巨大的鯊魚,但突然於160萬年前消失。[27]
1500萬年前 從非洲遷徙至歐亞大陸,成為了長臂猿猩猩人類祖先從長臂猿形成。猩猩、大猩猩黑猩猩都是屬於人科,人類則屬人族
1300萬年前 人類祖先從猩猩祖先形成。猩猩的親屬開遠祿豐古猿出現。加泰羅尼亞皮爾勞爾猿可能是人科及人類的共同祖先。
1000萬年前 氣候開始變得乾燥,大草原草原代替了森林。的數量激增,則減少。人類祖先從大猩猩的祖先形成。馬的全盛期並開始擴展整個北半球。1000萬年前牠們因面對偶蹄目的競爭而衰減。Tomarctus是極之像狗的動物。
700萬年前 最大的靈長目巨猿在中國、越南及北印度生活,於30萬年前滅絕。
560萬年前 地中海乾涸,是為米辛尼亞期鹽危機
500萬年前 火山爆發及產生很多細小的陸地連結了南北美洲。哺乳動物由北美洲往南遷徙,並造成當地的哺乳動物滅絕。人類祖先從黑猩猩祖先形成。最後共同祖先是乍得人猿。最早的人類分支是千年人。黑猩猩及人類的DNA有98%相似,在血紅素中只有一個胺基酸不同。黑猩猩的一類可以在基因上比現今所有60億人更多樣化,但後來人類分支出現瓶頸。黑猩猩及人類的喉頭重新移位至咽及肺部中間,可見共同祖先都有這個語言前身的特質。
480萬年前 人族出現黑猩猩的大小的地猿,並且站立行走。
370萬年前 一些南方古猿肯雅的火山灰中留下腳印。
350萬年前 猩猩分裂為婆羅洲猩猩蘇門達臘猩猩大白鯊出現。
300萬年前 雙足的南方人猿在非洲大草原演化,並被恐貓屬所獵殺。非洲南方古猿Australopithecus bosei,並其他包括肯尼亞平臉人的屬出現。大猩猩剛果河南岸消失。南北美洲連接,發生南北美洲生物大遷徙。現今的馬屬首次出現。恐象的下顎有向下的象牙。
250萬年前 劍齒虎出現。
220萬年前 大猩猩分裂成西部大猩猩東部大猩猩
200萬年前 能人坦桑尼亞使用原始石器工具,有可能與羅百氏傍人一同生活。布若卡氏區出現。人屬的物種吃肉,而傍人則吃植物及白蟻。一些在剛果河南部的黑猩猩分支出倭黑猩猩,倭黑猩猩生活在雌性主導的社會。劍齒虎由北美洲前往南美洲。
180萬年前 直立人在非洲演化,並遷徙至其他大洲,主要是南亞
175萬年前 格魯及亞人有直立人及能人的特徵。雕齒獸秘魯南部生活。
160萬年前 大袋鼠在澳洲出現,於40000年前消失。像袋熊麗紋雙門齒獸在澳洲出現,於45000年前滅絕。
150萬年前 袋獅在澳洲出現,於46000年前滅絕。
100萬年前 犬屬Tomarctus分支出來。灰狐是現今最原始的犬屬。
80萬年前 灰狼遷移至北美洲極地。
78萬年前 地球最後(最近一次)的地磁倒轉
70萬年前 人類與尼安德特人的共同遺傳祖先出現。
50萬年前 直立人使用木炭來控制火,但仍不懂如何生火。
40萬年前 東部大猩猩分支為東部低地大猩猩山地大猩猩大角鹿出現,在9500年前滅絕。
35.5萬年前 海德堡人意大利南部的羅卡蒙菲納火山留下腳印,是最早的人屬腳印。
25萬年前 北極熊棕熊演化。
19.5萬年前 埃塞俄比亚奧莫河奧莫化石遺存是最早的人類
16萬年前 長者智人練習禮儀及宰殺河馬。
15萬年前 線粒體夏娃在非洲生活,她是所有現今人類的最後女性祖先。
13萬年前 尼安德特人從海德堡人演化及住在歐洲及中東,開始埋葬屍體及照顧病人,有現今人類的舌骨及會使用矛。FOXP2基因出現。
10萬年前 第一個人類從海德堡人演化及在非洲出現。人類生活在南非以色列。人類經兩個途徑進入亞洲:經中東往北行,及從埃塞俄比亚往南走,經紅海阿拉伯南部(參單源論)。突娛造成皮膚顏色的改變,以吸收最有效的紫外線。種族開始成立。非洲的人口基因仍然較為分化。
8.25萬年前 人類在扎伊爾使用鋒利的動物骨頭捕魚。
8萬年前 人類在剛果製造魚叉。
7.4萬年前 多峇巨災理論多峇湖的超級火山爆發,人類人口只剩2000。6年沒有夏天及緊接的1000年冰河時期。火山灰達5米深覆蓋印度及巴基斯坦。
7萬年前 最近的冰河時期,威斯康辛冰期開始。人類在南非布隆伯斯洞穴以骨頭製造工具,及畫壁畫。他們亦收集貝殼及鑽孔製作頸飾。巨水獺出現,在1萬年前消失。
6萬年前 Y染色體亞當在非洲生活,是Y染色體人類男性的最後祖先。
5萬年前 人類由亞洲延伸至澳洲及歐洲。海岸線的延伸速度較內陸為快。披毛犀不列顛群島生活。
4萬年前 克魯麥農人法國繪畫及捕獵猛獁象。他們有特別的認知能力,使他們成為食物鏈的頂端。澳洲巨大的有袋目滅絕。
3.2萬年前 德國福格海德有第一個雕塑。法國有第一個用鳥骨製的印尼有石器工具。
3萬年前 人類從西伯利亞分幾波進入北美洲,較後的經過白令陸橋進入,早期的可能是以跳島戰術阿留申群島進入。歐洲人越過大西洋到達北美洲。人類抵達所羅門群島及前往日本。在撒哈拉使用弓箭,在摩拉維亞有首個陶瓷動物模型。
2.8萬年前 非洲那米比亞出現最古老的圖畫。[28]德國出現最古老的陰莖雕塑。[29]
2.7萬年前 尼安德特人消失,人屬只餘下人類及佛羅勒斯人捷克出現紡織。
2.5萬年前 從猛獁象牙發明了標槍。
2.3萬年前 維倫多夫的維納斯屬於此段時期。
2萬年前 人類在青藏高原留下腳印及手印。從動物脂肪製造油燈。山頂洞人以骨針來縫製動物飾物。猛獁象骨頭在俄羅斯建造房屋。
1.8萬年前 佛羅勒斯人在遙遠的印尼出現。
1.5萬年前 最後的冰河時期完結,海水漫過全球,造成多個近岸地區水浸,將以往的大陸分成島嶼。日本從亞洲分開,西伯利亞與阿拉斯加分開,塔斯曼尼亞與澳洲分開,爪哇島形成,砂拉越馬來西亞及印尼分隔。一些人類在中東的肥沃月彎開展農業,並且發展城市。因為生產食物及飼養動物,世界人口暴漲。拉斯考克山洞加拉加斯出現石洞壁畫
1.4萬年前 全新世滅絕事件開始,超過100種大型哺乳動物消失,可能是因世界人口暴漲所致。
1.15萬年前 劍齒虎滅絕。
1.1萬年前 世界人口達至500萬。佛羅勒斯人及猛獁象滅絕。人類首先畜養印度狼。所有現今的狗都是屬於家犬
1.04萬年前 開始種植植物,在近東耕種。耶利哥人口有19000。
1萬年前 撒哈拉仍有河流、湖及季候風。日本繩文時代製造全世界最早的陶器。人類抵達南美洲的蓬塔阿雷納斯
8千年前 亞洲西南部、敘利亞約旦土耳其伊拉克種植
6.5千年前 種植亞洲型稻非洲型稻
3千年前 人類開始鐵器時代
公元元年 世界人口達1億5千萬。
公元1835年 世界人口達10億。
公元1969年 人類登陸月球
公元2007年 世界人口超過65億。全新世滅絕事件仍然繼續,最近50年更有上升趨勢。

[編輯] 參考書目

  1. Gregg Herres and William K. Hartmann.The Origin of the Moon.Planetary Science Institute.於2005年12月27日查閱.
  2. "一旦地球在它七十億年的存在的早期某個時候冷卻到足夠的程度,雲開始在大氣層中形成,地球自此進入了一個新的發展階段。"How the Oceans Formed.於2005年1月9日查閱.
  3. Frances Cole (1998). "Geophysicist Sleep: Martian underground may have harbored early life". Standard Online Report. 
  4. Walker, Gabrielle (2003). Snowball Earth: The Story of the Great Global Catastrophe that Spawned Life as we know it. Bloomsbury. ISBN 0747654337.
  5. John, Brian (1979). The Winters of the World: Earth under the Ice Ages. Jacaranda Press. ISBN 047026844-1.
  6. Stefan Lovgren(2005年3月30日).Sex Speeds Up Evolution, Study Finds.National Geographic News.於2005年1月9日查閱.
  7. Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, and James D. Watson (1994). "From Single Cells to Multicellular Organisms", From Single Cells to Multicellular Organisms Molecular Biology of the Cell, 3rd edition, National Center for Biotechnology Information.
  8. PZ Myers(2005年10月20日).Pycnogonid tagmosis and echoes of the Cambrian.於2007年12月27日查閱.
  9. PZ Myers(2004年11月11日).Haliestes dasos, a sea spider.於2007年12月27日查閱.
  10. Sam Gon III(2005年11月21日).The Anomalocaris Homepage.於2007年12月27日查閱.
  11. C. M. Sean Carrington(1997年).The first land plants.於2007年12月27日查閱.
  12. Paul F. Ciesielski.Transition of plants to land.University of Florida.於2007年12月27日查閱.
  13. The University of Edinburgh.Natural history collection: arthropoda.於2007年12月27日查閱.
  14. Sea Studios Foundation.The shape of life. The conquerors. PBS.於2007年12月27日查閱.
  15. R. Aidan Martin.Introduction to shark evolution, geologic time and age determination.於2007年12月27日查閱.
  16. R. Aidan Martin.Ancient sharks.於2007年12月27日查閱.
  17. R. Aidan Martin.A Golden Age of Sharks.於2007年12月27日查閱.
  18. R. Aidan Martin.The Origin of Modern Sharks.於2005年1月9日查閱.
  19. Rybicki(2000年).Origins of Viruses.於2005年1月9日查閱.
  20. Human, mouse shared common ancestor 75 million years ago.The Hindu(2002年12月19日).於2007年12月28日查閱.
  21. Sabin Russell(2002年12月5日).Of Mice and Men: Striking similarities at the DNA level could aid research.San Francisco Chronicle.於2007年12月28日查閱.
  22. Steven A. Alter.Origin of the Modern Great White Shark.於2005年1月9日查閱.
  23. Great White Shark Evolution Debate.Science Daily(2005年5月2日).於2005年1月9日查閱.
  24. R. Aidan Martin.The Origin of Megalodon.於2005年1月9日查閱.
  25. Stefan Lovgren(2005年10月17日).New Primate Fossils Support "Out of Africa" Theory.於2005年1月9日查閱.
  26. Randall Parker(2003年6月25日).Evolution Of Color Eyesight Led To Loss Of Pheromone Response.於2005年1月9日查閱.
  27. R. Aidan Martin.The Origin of Megalodon.於2005年1月9日查閱.
  28. Suzanne Carr(1995年).Introduction to upper palaeolithic art.於2005年1月9日查閱.
  29. Jonathan Amos(2005年7月25日).Ancient phallus unearthed in cave.BBC News.於2005年1月9日查閱.

[編輯] 外部連結


History of Earth

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Geological time put in a diagram called a geological clock, showing the relative lengths of the eons of the Earth's history.
Geological time put in a diagram called a geological clock, showing the relative lengths of the eons of the Earth's history.

The history of Earth covers approximately 4.6 billion years (4,567,000,000 years), from Earth’s formation out of the solar nebula to the present. This article presents a broad overview, summarizing the leading, most current scientific theories.



[edit] Origin

An artist's impression of protoplanetary disk.
An artist's impression of protoplanetary disk.

The Earth formed as part of the birth of the Solar System: what eventually became the solar system initially existed as a large, rotating cloud of dust, rocks, and gas. It was composed of hydrogen and helium produced in the Big Bang, as well as heavier elements ejected by supernovas. Then, as one theory suggests, about 4.6 billion years ago a nearby star was destroyed in a supernova and the explosion sent a shock wave through the solar nebula, causing it to gain angular momentum. As the cloud began to accelerate its rotation, gravity and inertia flattened it into a protoplanetary disk oriented perpendicularly to its axis of rotation. Most of the mass concentrated in the middle and began to heat up, but small perturbations due to collisions and the angular momentum of other large debris created the means by which protoplanets began to form. The infall of material, increase in rotational speed and the crush of gravity created an enormous amount of kinetic heat at the center. Its inability to transfer that energy away through any other process at a rate capable of relieving the build-up resulted in the disk's center heating up. Ultimately, nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium began, and eventually, after contraction, a T Tauri star, ignited to create the Sun. Meanwhile, as gravity caused matter to condense around the previously perturbed objects outside of the new sun's gravity grasp, dust particles and the rest of the protoplanetary disk began separating into rings. Successively larger fragments collided with one another and became larger objects, ultimately destined to become protoplanets.[1] These included one collection approximately 150 million kilometers from the center: Earth. The solar wind of the newly formed T Tauri star cleared out most of the material in the disk that had not already condensed into larger bodies.

[edit] Moon

Animation (not to scale) of Theia forming in Earth’s L5 point and then, perturbed by gravity, colliding to help form the moon. The animation progresses in one-year steps making Earth appear not to move. The view is of the south pole.
Animation (not to scale) of Theia forming in Earth’s L5 point and then, perturbed by gravity, colliding to help form the moon. The animation progresses in one-year steps making Earth appear not to move. The view is of the south pole.

The origin of the Moon is still uncertain, although much evidence exists for the giant impact hypothesis. Earth may not have been the only planet forming 150 million kilometers from the Sun. It is hypothesized that another collection occurred 150 million kilometers from both the Sun and the Earth, at their fourth or fifth Lagrangian point. This planet, named Theia, is thought to have been smaller than the current Earth, probably about the size and mass of Mars. Its orbit may at first have been stable, but destabilized as Earth increased its mass by the accretion of more and more material. Theia swung back and forth relative to Earth until, finally, an estimated 4.533 billion years ago,[2] it collided at a low, oblique angle. The low speed and angle were not enough to destroy Earth, but a large portion of its crust was ejected into space. Heavier elements from Theia sank to Earth’s core, while the remaining material and ejecta condensed into a single body within a couple of weeks. Under the influence of its own gravity, this became a more spherical body: the Moon.[3] The impact is also thought to have changed Earth’s axis to produce the large 23.5° axial tilt that is responsible for Earth’s seasons. (A simple, ideal model of the planets’ origins would have axial tilts of 0° with no recognizable seasons.) It may also have sped up Earth’s rotation and initiated the planet’s plate tectonics.

[edit] The Hadean eon

Main article: Hadean
Volcanic eruptions would have been common in Earth's early days.
Volcanic eruptions would have been common in Earth's early days.

The early Earth, during the very early Hadean eon, was very different from the world known today. There were no oceans and no oxygen in the atmosphere. It was bombarded by planetoids and other material left over from the formation of the solar system. This bombardment, combined with heat from radioactive breakdown, residual heat, and heat from the pressure of contraction, caused the planet at this stage to be fully molten. During the iron catastrophe heavier elements sank to the center while lighter ones rose to the surface producing the layered structure of the Earth and also setting up the formation of Earth's magnetic field. Earth's early atmosphere would have comprised surrounding material from the solar nebula, especially light gases such as hydrogen and helium, but the solar wind and Earth's own heat would have driven off this atmosphere.

This changed when Earth was about 40% its present radius, and gravitational attraction allowed the retention of an atmosphere which included water. Temperatures plummeted and the crust of the planet was accumulated on a solid surface, with areas melted by large impacts on the scale of decades to hundreds of years between impact. Large impacts would have caused localized melting and partial differentiation, with some lighter elements on the surface or released to the moist atmosphere. [4]

The surface cooled quickly, forming the solid crust within 150 million years;[5] although new research[6] suggests that the actual number is 100 million years based on the level of hafnium found in the geology at Jack hills in Western Australia. From 4 to 3.8 billion years ago, Earth underwent a period of heavy asteroidal bombardment.[7] Steam escaped from the crust while more gases were released by volcanoes, completing the second atmosphere. Additional water was imported by bolide collisions, probably from asteroids ejected from the outer asteroid belt under the influence of Jupiter's gravity. The planet cooled. Clouds formed. Rain gave rise to the oceans within 750 million years (3.8 billion years ago), but probably earlier. Recent evidence suggests the oceans may have begun forming by 4.2 billion years ago[8] [9]. The new atmosphere probably contained ammonia, methane, water vapor, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen, as well as smaller amounts of other gases. Any free oxygen would have been bound by hydrogen or minerals on the surface. Volcanic activity was intense and, without an ozone layer to hinder its entry, ultraviolet radiation flooded the surface.

[edit] Life

The replicator in virtually all known life is deoxyribonucleic acid. DNA is far more complex than the original replicator and its replication systems are highly elaborate.
Main article: Origin of life

The details of the origin of life are unknown, though the broad principles have been established. Two schools of thought regarding the origin of life have been proposed. The first suggest that organic components may have arrived on Earth from space (see “Panspermia”), while the other argues for terrestrial origins. The mechanisms by which life would initially arise are nevertheless held to be similar.[10] If life arose on Earth, the timing of this event is highly speculative—perhaps it arose around 4 billion years ago.[11] In the energetic chemistry of early Earth, a molecule (or even something else) gained the ability to make copies of itself–the replicator. The nature of this molecule is unknown, its function having long since been superseded by life’s current replicator, DNA. In making copies of itself, the replicator did not always perform accurately: some copies contained an “error.” If the change destroyed the copying ability of the molecule, there could be no more copies, and the line would “die out.” On the other hand, a few rare changes might make the molecule replicate faster or better: those “strains” would become more numerous and “successful.” As choice raw materials (“food”) became depleted, strains which could exploit different materials, or perhaps halt the progress of other strains and steal their resources, became more numerous.[12]

Several different models have been proposed explaining how a replicator might have developed. Different replicators have been posited, including organic chemicals such as modern proteins, nucleic acids, phospholipids, crystals,[13] or even quantum systems.[14] There is currently no method of determining which of these models, if any, closely fits the origin of life on Earth. One of the older theories, and one which has been worked out in some detail, will serve as an example of how this might occur. The high energy from volcanoes, lightning, and ultraviolet radiation could help drive chemical reactions producing more complex molecules from simple compounds such as methane and ammonia.[15] Among these were many of the relatively simple organic compounds that are the building blocks of life. As the amount of this “organic soup” increased, different molecules reacted with one another. Sometimes more complex molecules would result—perhaps clay provided a framework to collect and concentrate organic material.[16] The presence of certain molecules could speed up a chemical reaction. All this continued for a very long time, with reactions occurring more or less at random, until by chance there arose a new molecule: the replicator. This had the bizarre property of promoting the chemical reactions which produced a copy of itself, and evolution began properly. Other theories posit a different replicator. In any case, DNA took over the function of the replicator at some point; all known life (with the exception of some viruses and prions) use DNA as their replicator, in an almost identical manner (see genetic code).

[edit] Cells

A small section of a cell membrane. This modern cell membrane is far more sophisticated than the original simple phospholipid bilayer (the small blue spheres with two tails). Proteins and carbohydrates serve various functions in regulating the passage of material through the membrane and in reacting to the environment.
A small section of a cell membrane. This modern cell membrane is far more sophisticated than the original simple phospholipid bilayer (the small blue spheres with two tails). Proteins and carbohydrates serve various functions in regulating the passage of material through the membrane and in reacting to the environment.

Modern life has its replicating material packaged neatly inside a cellular membrane. It is easier to understand the origin of the cell membrane than the origin of the replicator, since the phospholipid molecules that make up a cell membrane will often form a bilayer spontaneously when placed in water. Under certain conditions, many such spheres can be formed (see “The bubble theory”).[17] It is not known whether this process preceded or succeeded the origin of the replicator (or perhaps it was the replicator). The prevailing theory is that the replicator, perhaps RNA by this point (the RNA world hypothesis), along with its replicating apparatus and maybe other biomolecules, had already evolved. Initial protocells may have simply burst when they grew too large; the scattered contents may then have recolonized other “bubbles.” Proteins that stabilized the membrane, or that later assisted in an orderly division, would have promoted the proliferation of those cell lines. RNA is a likely candidate for an early replicator since it can both store genetic information and catalyze reactions. At some point DNA took over the genetic storage role from RNA, and proteins known as enzymes took over the catalysis role, leaving RNA to transfer information and modulate the process. There is increasing belief that these early cells may have evolved in association with underwater volcanic vents known as “black smokers”.[18] or even hot, deep rocks.[19] However, it is believed that out of this multiplicity of cells, or protocells, only one survived. Current evidence suggests that the last universal common ancestor lived during the early Archean eon, perhaps roughly 3.5 billion years ago or earlier.[20],[21] This “LUCA” cell is the ancestor of all cells and hence all life on Earth. It was probably a prokaryote, possessing a cell membrane and probably ribosomes, but lacking a nucleus or membrane-bound organelles such as mitochondria or chloroplasts. Like all modern cells, it used DNA as its genetic code, RNA for information transfer and protein synthesis, and enzymes to catalyze reactions. Some scientists believe that instead of a single organism being the last universal common ancestor, there were populations of organisms exchanging genes in lateral gene transfer.[20]

[edit] Photosynthesis and oxygen

The harnessing of the sun’s energy led to several major changes in life on Earth.
The harnessing of the sun’s energy led to several major changes in life on Earth.

It is likely that the initial cells were all heterotrophs, using surrounding organic molecules (including those from other cells) as raw material and an energy source.[22] As the food supply diminished, a new strategy evolved in some cells. Instead of relying on the diminishing amounts of free-existing organic molecules, these cells adopted sunlight as an energy source. Estimates vary, but by about 3 billion years ago[23], something similar to modern photosynthesis had probably developed. This made the sun’s energy available not only to autotrophs but also to the heterotrophs that consumed them. Photosynthesis used the plentiful carbon dioxide and water as raw materials and, with the energy of sunlight, produced energy-rich organic molecules (carbohydrates).

Moreover, oxygen was produced as a waste product of photosynthesis. At first it became bound up with limestone, iron, and other minerals. There is substantial proof of this in iron-oxide rich layers in geological strata that correspond with this time period. The oceans would have turned to a green color while oxygen was reacting with minerals. When the reactions stopped, oxygen could finally enter the atmosphere. Though each cell only produced a minute amount of oxygen, the combined metabolism of many cells over a vast period of time transformed Earth’s atmosphere to its current state.[24]

This, then, is Earth’s third atmosphere. Some of the oxygen was stimulated by incoming ultraviolet radiation to form ozone, which collected in a layer near the upper part of the atmosphere. The ozone layer absorbed, and still absorbs, a significant amount of the ultraviolet radiation that once had passed through the atmosphere. It allowed cells to colonize the surface of the ocean and ultimately the land:[25] without the ozone layer, ultraviolet radiation bombarding the surface would have caused unsustainable levels of mutation in exposed cells. Besides making large amounts of energy available to life-forms and blocking ultraviolet radiation, the effects of photosynthesis had a third, major, and world-changing impact. Oxygen was toxic; probably much life on Earth died out as its levels rose (the “Oxygen Catastrophe”).[25] Resistant forms survived and thrived, and some developed the ability to use oxygen to enhance their metabolism and derive more energy from the same food.

[edit] Endosymbiosis and the three domains of life

Main article: Endosymbiotic theory
Some of the pathways by which the various endosymbionts might have arisen.

Modern taxonomy classifies life into three domains. The time of the origin of these domains are speculative. The Bacteria domain probably first split off from the other forms of life (sometimes called Neomura), but this supposition is controversial. Soon after this, by 2 billion years ago[26], the Neomura split into the Archaea and the Eukarya. Eukaryotic cells (Eukarya) are larger and more complex than prokaryotic cells (Bacteria and Archaea), and the origin of that complexity is only now coming to light. Around this time period a bacterial cell related to today’s Rickettsia[27] entered a larger prokaryotic cell. Perhaps the large cell attempted to ingest the smaller one but failed (maybe due to the evolution of prey defenses). Perhaps the smaller cell attempted to parasitize the larger one. In any case, the smaller cell survived inside the larger cell. Using oxygen, it was able to metabolize the larger cell’s waste products and derive more energy. Some of this surplus energy was returned to the host. The smaller cell replicated inside the larger one, and soon a stable symbiotic relationship developed. Over time the host cell acquired some of the genes of the smaller cells, and the two kinds became dependent on each other: the larger cell could not survive without the energy produced by the smaller ones, and these in turn could not survive without the raw materials provided by the larger cell. Symbiosis developed between the larger cell and the population of smaller cells inside it to the extent that they are considered to have become a single organism, the smaller cells being classified as organelles called mitochondria. A similar event took place with photosynthetic cyanobacteria[28] entering larger heterotrophic cells and becoming chloroplasts.[29],[30] Probably as a result of these changes, a line of cells capable of photosynthesis split off from the other eukaryotes some time before one billion years ago. There were probably several such inclusion events, as the figure at left suggests. Besides the well-established endosymbiotic theory of the cellular origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts, it has been suggested that cells gave rise to peroxisomes, spirochetes gave rise to cilia and flagella, and that perhaps a DNA virus gave rise to the cell nucleus,[31],[32] though none of these theories are generally accepted.[33] During this period, the supercontinent Columbia is believed to have existed, probably from around 1.8 to 1.5 billion years ago; it is the oldest hypothesized supercontinent.[34]

[edit] Multicellularity

Volvox aureus is believed to be similar to the first multicellular plants.
Volvox aureus is believed to be similar to the first multicellular plants.

Archaeans, bacteria, and eukaryotes continued to diversify and to become more sophisticated and better adapted to their environments. Each domain repeatedly split into multiple lineages, although little is known about the history of the archaea and bacteria. Around 1.1 billion years ago, the supercontinent Rodinia was assembling.[35] The plant, animal, and fungi lines had all split, though they still existed as solitary cells. Some of these lived in colonies, and gradually some division of labor began to take place; for instance, cells on the periphery might have started to assume different roles from those in the interior. Although the division between a colony with specialized cells and a multicellular organism is not always clear, around 1 billion years ago[36], the first multicellular plants emerged, probably green algae.[37] Possibly by around 900 million years ago,[38] true multicellularity had also evolved in animals. At first it probably somewhat resembled that of today’s sponges, where all cells were totipotent and a disrupted organism could reassemble itself.[39] As the division of labor became more complete in all lines of multicellular organisms, cells became more specialized and more dependent on each other; isolated cells would die. Many scientists believe that a very severe ice age began around 770 million years ago, so severe that the surface of all the oceans completely froze (Snowball Earth). Eventually, after 20 million years, enough carbon dioxide escaped through volcanic outgassing; the resulting greenhouse effect raised global temperatures.[40] By around the same time, 750 million years ago,[41] Rodinia began to break up.

[edit] Colonization of land

For most of Earth’s history, there were no multicellular organisms on land. Parts of the surface may have vaguely resembled this view of Mars, one of Earth’s neighboring planets.[citation needed]
For most of Earth’s history, there were no multicellular organisms on land. Parts of the surface may have vaguely resembled this view of Mars, one of Earth’s neighboring planets.[citation needed]

As we have already seen, the accumulation of oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere caused the formation of ozone into a layer that absorbed much of Sun’s ultraviolet radiation. As a result, unicellular organisms that reached land were less likely to die, and prokaryotes began to multiply and become better adapted to survival out of the water. Prokaryotes had likely colonized the land as early as 2.6 billion years ago[42] even before the origin of the eukaryotes. For a long time, the land remained barren of multicellular organisms. The supercontinent Pannotia formed around 600 million years ago and then broke apart a short 50 million years later[43]. Fish, the earliest vertebrates, evolved in the oceans around 530 million years ago[44]. A major extinction event occurred near the end of the Cambrian period,[45] which ended 488 million years ago[46].

Several hundred million years ago, plants (probably resembling algae) and fungi started growing at the edges of the water, and then out of it.[47] The oldest fossils of land fungi and plants date to 480–460 million years ago, though molecular evidence suggests the fungi may have colonized the land as early as 1000 million years ago and the plants 700 million years ago.[48] Initially remaining close to the water’s edge, mutations and variations resulted in further colonization of this new environment. The timing of the first animals to leave the oceans is not precisely known: the oldest clear evidence is of arthropods on land around 450 million years ago[49], perhaps thriving and becoming better adapted due to the vast food source provided by the terrestrial plants. There is also some unconfirmed evidence that arthropods may have appeared on land as early as 530 million years ago[50]. At the end of the Ordovician period, 440 million years ago, additional extinction events occurred, perhaps due to a concurrent ice age.[51] Around 380 to 375 million years ago, the first tetrapods evolved from fish.[52] It is thought that perhaps fins evolved to become limbs which allowed the first tetrapods to lift their heads out of the water to breathe air. This would let them survive in oxygen-poor water or pursue small prey in shallow water.[52] They may have later ventured on land for brief periods. Eventually, some of them became so well adapted to terrestrial life that they spent their adult lives on land, although they hatched in the water and returned to lay their eggs. This was the origin of the amphibians. About 365 million years ago, another period of extinction occurred, perhaps as a result of global cooling.[53] Plants evolved seeds, which dramatically accelerated their spread on land, around this time (by approximately 360 million years ago).[54], [55]

Pangaea, the most recent supercontinent, existed from 300 to 180 million years ago. The outlines of the modern continents and other land masses are indicated on this map.

Some 20 million years later (340 million years ago[56]), the amniotic egg evolved, which could be laid on land, giving a survival advantage to tetrapod embryos. This resulted in the divergence of amniotes from amphibians. Another 30 million years (310 million years ago[57]) saw the divergence of the synapsids (including mammals) from the sauropsids (including birds and non-avian, non-mammalian reptiles). Other groups of organisms continued to evolve and lines diverged—in fish, insects, bacteria, and so on—but less is known of the details. 300 million years ago, the most recent hypothesized supercontinent formed, called Pangaea. The most severe extinction event to date took place 250 million years ago, at the boundary of the Permian and Triassic periods; 95% of life on Earth died out,[58] possibly due to the Siberian Traps volcanic event. The discovery of the Wilkes Land crater in Antarctica may suggest a connection with the Permian-Triassic extinction, but the age of that crater is not known.[59] But life persevered, and around 230 million years ago [60], dinosaurs split off from their reptilian ancestors. An extinction event between the Triassic and Jurassic periods 200 million years ago spared many of the dinosaurs,[61] and they soon became dominant among the vertebrates. Though some of the mammalian lines began to separate during this period, existing mammals were probably all small animals resembling shrews.[62] By 180 million years ago, Pangaea broke up into Laurasia and Gondwana. The boundary between avian and non-avian dinosaurs is not clear, but Archaeopteryx, traditionally considered one of the first birds, lived around 150 million years ago.[63] The earliest evidence for the angiosperms evolving flowers is during the Cretaceous period, some 20 million years later (132 million years ago)[64] Competition with birds drove many pterosaurs to extinction, and the dinosaurs were probably already in decline for various reasons[65] when, 65 million years ago, a 10-kilometer meteorite likely struck Earth just off the Yucatán Peninsula, ejecting vast quantities of particulate matter and vapor into the air that occluded sunlight, inhibiting photosynthesis. Most large animals, including the non-avian dinosaurs, became extinct.[66], marking the end of the Cretaceous period and Mesozoic era. Thereafter, in the Paleocene epoch, mammals rapidly diversified, grew larger, and became the dominant vertebrates. Perhaps a couple of million years later (around 63 million years ago), the last common ancestor of primates lived.[67] By the late Eocene epoch, 34 million years ago, some terrestrial mammals had returned to the oceans to become animals such as Basilosaurus which later gave rise to dolphins and whales.[68]

[edit] Humanity

Australopithecus africanus, an early hominid.
Australopithecus africanus, an early hominid.
Main article: Human evolution

A small African ape living around six million years ago was the last animal whose descendants would include both modern humans and their closest relatives, the bonobos, and chimpanzees.[69] Only two branches of its family tree have surviving descendants. Very soon after the split, for reasons that are still debated, apes in one branch developed the ability to walk upright.[70] Brain size increased rapidly, and by 2 million years ago, the very first animals classified in the genus Homo had appeared.[71] Of course, the line between different species or even genera is rather arbitrary as organisms continuously change over generations. Around the same time, the other branch split into the ancestors of the common chimpanzee and the ancestors of the bonobo as evolution continued simultaneously in all life forms.[69] The ability to control fire likely began in Homo erectus (or Homo ergaster), probably at least 790,000 years ago[72] but perhaps as early as 1.5 million years ago.[73] It is more difficult to establish the origin of language; it is unclear whether Homo erectus could speak or if that capability had not begun until Homo sapiens.[74] As brain size increased, babies were born sooner, before their heads grew too large to pass through the pelvis. As a result, they exhibited more plasticity, and thus possessed an increased capacity to learn and required a longer period of dependence. Social skills became more complex, language became more advanced, and tools became more elaborate. This contributed to further cooperation and brain development.[75] Anatomically modern humans — Homo sapiens — are believed to have originated somewhere around 200,000 years ago or earlier in Africa; the oldest fossils date back to around 160,000 years ago.[76] The first humans to show evidence of spirituality are the Neanderthals (usually classified as a separate species with no surviving descendants); they buried their dead, often apparently with food or tools.[77] However, evidence of more sophisticated beliefs, such as the early Cro-Magnon cave paintings (probably with magical or religious significance)[78] did not appear until some 32,000 years ago.[79] Cro-Magnons also left behind stone figurines such as Venus of Willendorf, probably also signifying religious belief.[78] By 11,000 years ago, Homo sapiens had reached the southern tip of South America, the last of the uninhabited continents.[80] Tool use and language continued to improve; interpersonal relationships became more complex.

[edit] Civilization

Main article: History of the world
Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci epitomizes the advances in art and science seen during the Renaissance.
Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci epitomizes the advances in art and science seen during the Renaissance.

Throughout more than 90% of its history, Homo sapiens lived in small bands as nomadic hunter-gatherers.[81] As language became more complex, the ability to remember and transmit information resulted in a new sort of replicator: the meme.[82] Ideas could be rapidly exchanged and passed down the generations. Cultural evolution quickly outpaced biological evolution, and history proper began. Somewhere between 8500 and 7000 BC, humans in the Fertile Crescent in Middle East began the systematic husbandry of plants and animals: agriculture.[83] This spread to neighboring regions, and also developed independently elsewhere, until most Homo sapiens lived sedentary lives in permanent settlements as farmers. Not all societies abandoned nomadism, especially those in isolated areas of the globe poor in domesticable plant species, such as Australia.[84] However, among those civilizations that did adopt agriculture, the relative security and increased productivity provided by farming allowed the population to expand. Agriculture had a major impact; humans began to affect the environment as never before. Surplus food allowed a priestly or governing class to arise, followed by increasing division of labor. This led to Earth’s first civilization at Sumer in the Middle East, between 4000 and 3000 BC.[85] Additional civilizations quickly arose in ancient Egypt and the Indus River valley.

Starting around 3000 BC, Hinduism, one of the oldest religions still practiced today, began to take form.[86] Others soon followed. The invention of writing enabled complex societies to arise: record-keeping and libraries served as a storehouse of knowledge and increased the cultural transmission of information. Humans no longer had to spend all their time working for survival—curiosity and education drove the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. Various disciplines, including science (in a primitive form), arose. New civilizations sprang up, traded with one another, and engaged in war for territory and resources: empires began to form. By around 500 BC, there were empires in the Middle East, Iran, India, China, and Greece, approximately on equal footing; at times one empire expanded, only to decline or be driven back later.[87]

In the fourteenth century, the Renaissance began in Italy with advances in religion, art, and science.[88] Starting around 1500, European civilization began to undergo changes leading to the scientific and industrial revolutions: that continent began to exert political and cultural dominance over human societies around the planet.[89] From 1914 to 1918 and 1939 to 1945, nations around the world were embroiled in world wars. Established following World War I, the League of Nations was a first step toward a world government; after World War II it was replaced by the United Nations. In 1992, several European nations joined together in the European Union. As transportation and communication improved, the economies and political affairs of nations around the world have become increasingly intertwined. This globalization has often produced discord, although increased collaboration has resulted as well.

[edit] Recent events

Four and a half billion years after the planet's formation, one of Earth’s life forms broke free of the biosphere. For the first time in history, Earth was viewed first hand from the vantage of space.
Four and a half billion years after the planet's formation, one of Earth’s life forms broke free of the biosphere. For the first time in history, Earth was viewed first hand from the vantage of space.

Change has continued at a rapid pace from the mid-1940s to today. Technological developments include nuclear weapons, computers, genetic engineering, and nanotechnology. Economic globalization spurred by advances in communication and transportation technology has influenced everyday life in many parts of the world. Cultural and institutional forms such as democracy, capitalism, and environmentalism have increased influence. Major concerns and problems such as disease, war, poverty, violent radicalism, and more recently, global warming have risen as the world population increases.

In 1957, the Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite into orbit and, soon afterward, Yuri Gagarin became the first human in space. Neil Armstrong, an American, was the first to set foot on another astronomical object, the Earth's Moon. Unmanned probes have been sent to all the major planets in the solar system, with some (such as Voyager) in the process of leaving the solar system. The Soviet Union and the United States of America were the primary early leaders in space exploration in the 20th Century. Five space agencies, representing over fifteen countries,[90] have worked together to build the International Space Station. Aboard it, there has been a continuous human presence in space since 2000.[91]

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  1. ^ Chaisson, Eric J. (2005). Solar System Modeling. Cosmic Evolution. Tufts University. Retrieved on 2006-03-27.
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  74. ^ Dawkins, Richard (2004). "Ergasts", The Ancestor's Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Life. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 67–71. ISBN 0-618-00583-8. 
  75. ^ McNeill, Willam H. [1967] (1999). "In The Beginning", A World History, 4th ed., New York: Oxford University Press, 7. ISBN 0-19-511615-1. 
  76. ^ Gibbons, Ann (2003-06-13). "Oldest Members of Homo sapiens Discovered in Africa". Science 300 (5626): 1641. doi:10.1126/science.300.5626.1641. Retrieved on 2006-04-11.  (abstract)
  77. ^ Hopfe, Lewis M. [1976] (1987). "Characteristics of Basic Religions", Religions of the World, 4th ed., New York: MacMillan Publishing Company, 17. ISBN 0-02-356930-1. 
  78. ^ a b Hopfe, Lewis M. [1976] (1987). "Characteristics of Basic Religions", Religions of the World, 4th ed., New York: MacMillan Publishing Company, 17–19. ISBN 0-02-356930-1. 
  79. ^ Chauvet Cave. Metropolitan Museum of Art. Retrieved on 2006-04-11.
  80. ^ [2002] (2003) "The Human Revolution", in Patrick K. O’Brien, ed.: Atlas of World History, concise edition, New York: Oxford University Press, 16. ISBN 0-19-521921-X. 
  81. ^ McNeill, Willam H. [1967] (1999). "In The Beginning", A World History, 4th ed., New York: Oxford University Press, 8. ISBN 0-19-511615-1. 
  82. ^ Dawkins, Richard [1976] (1989). "Memes: the new replicators", The Selfish Gene, 2nd ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 189–201. ISBN 0-19-286092-5. 
  83. ^ Tudge, Colin (1998). Neanderthals, Bandits and Farmers: How Agriculture Really Began. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. ISBN 0-297-84258-7. 
  84. ^ Diamond, Jared [1999-12-01]. Guns, Germs, and Steel. W. W. Norton & Company. ISBN 0-393-31755-2. 
  85. ^ McNeill, Willam H. [1967] (1999). "In The Beginning", A World History, 4th ed., New York: Oxford University Press, 15. ISBN 0-19-511615-1. 
  86. ^ History of Hinduism. BBC. Retrieved on 2006-03-27.
  87. ^ McNeill, Willam H. [1967] (1999). "Emergence and Definition of the Major Old World Civilizations to 500 B.C. (introduction)", A World History, 4th ed., New York: Oxford University Press, 3–6. ISBN 0-19-511615-1. 
  88. ^ McNeill, Willam H. [1967] (1999). "Europe’s Self-Transformation: 1500–1648", A World History, 4th ed., New York: Oxford University Press, 317–319. ISBN 0-19-511615-1. 
  89. ^ McNeill, Willam H. [1967] (1999). "The Dominance of the West (introduction)", A World History, 4th ed., New York: Oxford University Press, 295–299. ISBN 0-19-511615-1. 
  90. ^ Human Spaceflight and Exploration — European Participating States. ESA (2006). Retrieved on 2006-03-27.
  91. ^ Expedition 13: Science, Assembly Prep on Tap for Crew. NASA (January 11, 2006). Retrieved on 2006-03-27.
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Geologic time scale

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Diagram of geological time scale.
Diagram of geological time scale.

The geological time scale is used by geologists and other scientists to describe the timing and relationships between events that have occurred during the history of Earth. The table of geologic periods presented here agrees with the dates and nomenclature proposed by the International Commission on Stratigraphy, and uses the standard color codes of the United States Geological Survey.

Evidence from radiometric dating indicates that the Earth is about 4.570 billion years old. The geological or deep time of Earth's past has been organized into various units according to events which took place in each period. Different spans of time on the time scale are usually delimited by major geological or paleontological events, such as mass extinctions. For example, the boundary between the Cretaceous period and the Paleogene period is defined by the extinction event, known as the Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event, that marked the demise of the dinosaurs and of many marine species. Older periods which predate the reliable fossil record are defined by absolute age.



[edit] Graphical timelines

The second and third timelines are each subsections of their preceding timeline as indicated by asterisks.

Millions of Years

The Holocene (the latest epoch) is too small to be shown clearly on this timeline.

[edit] Terminology

The largest defined unit of time is the supereon composed of Eons. Eons are divided into Eras, which are in turn divided into Periods, Epochs and Stages. At the same time paleontologists define a system of faunal stages, of varying lengths, based on changes in the observed fossil assemblages. In many cases, such faunal stages have been adopted in building the geological nomenclature, though in general there are far more recognized faunal stages than defined geological time units.

Geologists tend to talk in terms of Upper/Late, Lower/Early and Middle parts of periods and other units , such as "Upper Jurassic", and "Middle Cambrian". Upper, Middle, and Lower are terms applied to the rocks themselves, as in "Upper Jurassic sandstone," while Late, Middle, and Early are applied to time, as in "Early Jurassic deposition" or "fossils of Early Jurassic age." The adjectives are capitalized when the subdivision is formally recognized, and lower case when not; thus "early Miocene" but "Early Jurassic." Because geologic units occurring at the same time but from different parts of the world can often look different and contain different fossils, there are many examples where the same period was historically given different names in different locales. For example, in North America the Lower Cambrian is referred to as the Waucoban series that is then subdivided into zones based on trilobites. The same timespan is split into Tommotian, Atdabanian and Botomian stages in East Asia and Siberia. A key aspect of the work of the International Commission on Stratigraphy is to reconcile this conflicting terminology and define universal horizons that can be used around the world.

[edit] History of the time scale

Main article: history of geology
Main article: history of paleontology
Earth history mapped to 24 hours
Earth history mapped to 24 hours

The principles underlying geologic (geological) time scales were laid down by Nicholas Steno in the late 17th century. Steno argued that rock layers (or strata) are laid down in succession, and that each represents a "slice" of time. He also formulated the principle of superposition, which states that any given stratum is probably older than those above it and younger than those below it. While Steno's principles were simple, applying them to real rocks proved complex. Over the course of the 18th century geologists realized that:

  1. Sequences of strata were often eroded, distorted, tilted, or even inverted after deposition;
  2. Strata laid down at the same time in different areas could have entirely different appearances;
  3. The strata of any given area represented only part of the Earth's long history.

The first serious attempts to formulate a geological time scale that could be applied anywhere on Earth took place in the late 18th century. The most influential of those early attempts (championed by Abraham Werner, among others) divided the rocks of the Earth's crust into four types: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary. Each type of rock, according to the theory, formed during a specific period in Earth history. It was thus possible to speak of a "Tertiary Period" as well as of "Tertiary Rocks." Indeed, "Tertiary" (now Paleocene-Pliocene) and "Quaternary" (now Pleistocene-Holocene) remained in use as names of geological periods well into the 20th century.

In opposition to the then-popular Neptunist theories expounded by Werner (that all rocks had precipitated out of a single enormous flood), a major shift in thinking came with the reading by James Hutton of his Theory of the Earth; or, an Investigation of the Laws Observable in the Composition, Dissolution, and Restoration of Land Upon the Globe before the Royal Society of Edinburgh in March and April 1785, events which "as things appear from the perspective of the twentieth century, James Hutton in those reading became the founder of modern geology"[1] What Hutton proposed was that the interior of the Earth was hot, and that this heat was the engine which drove the creation of new rock: land was eroded by air and water and deposited as layers in the sea; heat then consolidated the sediment into stone, and uplifted it into new lands. This theory was dubbed "Plutonist" in contrast to the flood-oriented theory.

The identification of strata by the fossils they contained, pioneered by William Smith, Georges Cuvier, Jean d'Omalius d'Halloy and Alexandre Brogniart in the early 19th century, enabled geologists to divide Earth history more precisely. It also enabled them to correlate strata across national (or even continental) boundaries. If two strata (however distant in space or different in composition) contained the same fossils, chances were good that they had been laid down at the same time. Detailed studies between 1820 and 1850 of the strata and fossils of Europe produced the sequence of geological periods still used today.

The process was dominated by British geologists, and the names of the periods reflect that dominance. The "Cambrian," (the Roman name for Wales) and the "Ordovician," and "Silurian", named after ancient Welsh tribes, were periods defined using stratigraphic sequences from Wales.[2] The "Devonian" was named for the English county of Devon, and the name "Carboniferous" was simply an adaptation of "the Coal Measures," the old British geologists' term for the same set of strata. The "Permian" was named after Perm, Russia, because it was defined using strata in that region by a Scottish geologist Roderick Murchison. However, some periods were defined by geologists from other countries. The "Triassic" was named in 1834 by a German geologist Friedrich Von Alberti from the three distinct layers (Latin trias meaning triad) —red beds, capped by chalk, followed by black shales— that are found throughout Germany and Northwest Europe, called the 'Trias'. The "Jurassic" was named by a French geologist Alexandre Brogniart for the extensive marine limestone exposures of the Jura Mountains. The "Cretaceous" (from Latin creta meaning 'chalk') as a separate period was first defined by a Belgian geologist Jean d'Omalius d'Halloy in 1822, using strata in the Paris basin[3] and named for the extensive beds of chalk (calcium carbonate deposited by the shells of marine invertebrates).

British geologists were also responsible for the grouping of periods into Eras and the subdivision of the Tertiary and Quaternary periods into epochs.

When William Smith and Sir Charles Lyell first recognized that rock strata represented successive time periods, time scales could be estimated only very imprecisely since various kinds of rates of change used in estimation were highly variable. While creationists had been proposing dates of around six or seven thousand years for the age of the Earth based on the Bible, early geologists were suggesting millions of years for geologic periods with some even suggesting a virtually infinite age for the Earth. Geologists and paleontologists constructed the geologic table based on the relative positions of different strata and fossils, and estimated the time scales based on studying rates of various kinds of weathering, erosion, sedimentation, and lithification. Until the discovery of radioactivity in 1896 and the development of its geological applications through radiometric dating during the first half of the 20th century (pioneered by such geologists as Arthur Holmes) which allowed for more precise absolute dating of rocks, the ages of various rock strata and the age of the Earth were the subject of considerable debate.

In 1977, the Global Commission on Stratigraphy (now the International Commission on Stratigraphy) started an effort to define global references (Global Boundary Stratotype Sections and Points) for geologic periods and faunal stages. The commission's most recent work is described in the 2004 geologic time scale of Gradstein et al.[4]. A UML model for how the timescale is structured, relating it to the GSSP, is also available[5].

[edit] Table of geologic time

The following table summarizes the major events and characteristics of the periods of time making up the geologic time scale. As above, this time scale is based on the International Commission on Stratigraphy. (See lunar geologic timescale for a discussion of the geologic subdivisions of Earth's moon.) The height of each table entry does not correspond to the duration of each subdivision of time.

Supereon Eon Era Period[6] Series/
Major events Start, million
years ago[7]
  Phanerozoic Cenozoic Neogene
Holocene The last glacial period ends and rise of human civilization. 0.011430 ± 0.00013[9]
Pleistocene Flourishing and then extinction of many large mammals (Pleistocene megafauna). Evolution of anatomically modern humans. 1.806 ± 0.005 *
Pliocene Cool and dry climate. Australopithecines, many of the existing genera of mammals, and recent mollusks appear. Homo habilis appears. Present ice age begins. 5.332 ± 0.005 *
Miocene Moderate climate; Orogeny in northern hemisphere. Modern mammal and bird families became recognizable. Horses and mastodons diverse. First kelp forests, grasses become ubiquitous. First apes appear. 23.03 ± 0.05 *
Oligocene Warm climate; Rapid evolution and diversification of fauna, especially mammals. Major evolution and dispersal of modern types of flowering plants 33.9±0.1 *
Eocene Archaic mammals (e.g. Creodonts, Condylarths, Uintatheres, etc) flourish and continue to develop during the epoch. Appearance of several "modern" mammal families. Primitive whales diversify. First grasses. Ice cap develops on Antarctica. 55.8±0.2 *
Paleocene Climate tropical. Modern plants appear; Mammals diversify into a number of primitive lineages following the Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event. First large mammals (up to bear or small hippo size). 65.5±0.3 *
Mesozoic Cretaceous Upper/Late Flowering plants proliferate, along with new types of insects. More modern teleost fish begin to appear. Ammonites, belemnites, rudist bivalves, echinoids and sponges all common. Many new types of dinosaurs (e.g. Tyrannosaurs, Titanosaurs, duck bills, and horned dinosaurs) evolve on land, as do modern crocodilians; and mosasaurs and modern sharks appear in the sea. Primitive birds gradually replace pterosaurs. Monotremes, marsupials and placental mammals appear. Break up of Gondwana. 99.6±0.9 *
Lower/Early 145.5 ± 4.0
Jurassic Upper/Late Gymnosperms (especially conifers, Bennettitales and cycads) and ferns common. Many types of dinosaurs, such as sauropods, carnosaurs, and stegosaurs. Mammals common but small. First birds and lizards. Ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs diverse. Bivalves, Ammonites and belemnites abundant. Sea urchins very common, along with crinoids, starfish, sponges, and terebratulid and rhynchonellid brachiopods. Breakup of Pangaea into Gondwana and Laurasia. 161.2 ± 4.0
Middle 175.6 ± 2.0 *
Lower/Early 199.6 ± 0.6
Triassic Upper/Late Archosaurs dominant on land as dinosaurs, in the oceans as Ichthyosaurs and nothosaurs, and in the air as pterosaurs. cynodonts become smaller and more mammal-like, while first mammals and crocodilia appear. Dicrodium flora common on land. Many large aquatic temnospondyl amphibians. Ceratitic ammonoids extremely common. Modern corals and teleost fish appear, as do many modern insect clades. 228.0 ± 2.0
Middle 245.0 ± 1.5
Lower/Early 251.0 ± 0.4 *
Paleozoic Permian Lopingian Landmasses unite into supercontinent Pangaea, creating the Appalachians. End of Permo-Carboniferous glaciation. Synapsid reptiles (pelycosaurs and therapsids) become plentiful, while parareptiles and temnospondyl amphibians remain common. In the mid-Permian, coal-age flora are replaced by cone-bearing gymnosperms (the first true seed plants) and by the first true mosses. Beetles and flies evolve. Marine life flourishes in warm shallow reefs; productid and spiriferid brachiopods, bivalves, forams, and ammonoids all abundant. Permian-Triassic extinction event occurs 251 mya: 95 percent of life on Earth becomes extinct, including all trilobites, graptolites, and blastoids. 260.4 ± 0.7 *
Guadalupian 270.6 ± 0.7 *
Cisuralian 299.0 ± 0.8 *
Upper/Late Winged insects radiate suddenly; some (esp. Protodonata and Palaeodictyoptera) are quite large. Amphibians common and diverse. First reptiles and coal forests (scale trees, ferns, club trees, giant horsetails, Cordaites, etc.). Highest-ever oxygen levels. Goniatites, brachiopods, bryozoa, bivalves, and corals plentiful in the seas. Testate forams proliferate. 306.5 ± 1.0
Middle 311.7 ± 1.1
Lower/Early 318.1 ± 1.3 *
Upper/Late Large primitive trees, first land vertebrates, and amphibious sea-scorpions live amid coal-forming coastal swamps. Lobe-finned rhizodonts are big fresh-water predators. In the oceans, early sharks are common and quite diverse; echinoderms (esp. crinoids and blastoids) abundant. Corals, bryozoa, goniatites and brachiopods (Productida, Spiriferida, etc.) very common. But trilobites and nautiloids decline. Glaciation in East Gondwana. 326.4 ± 1.6
Middle 345.3 ± 2.1
Lower/Early 359.2 ± 2.5 *
Devonian Upper/Late First clubmosses, horsetails and ferns appear, as do the first seed-bearing plants (progymnosperms), first trees (the progymnosperm Archaeopteris), and first (wingless) insects. Strophomenid and atrypid brachiopods, rugose and tabulate corals, and crinoids are all abundant in the oceans. Goniatite ammonoids are plentiful, while squid-like coleoids arise. Trilobites and armoured agnaths decline, while jawed fishes (placoderms, lobe-finned and ray-finned fish, and early sharks) rule the seas. First amphibians still aquatic. "Old Red Continent" of Euramerica. 385.3 ± 2.6 *
Middle 397.5 ± 2.7 *
Lower/Early 416.0 ± 2.8 *
Silurian Pridoli First Vascular plants (the rhyniophytes and their relatives), first millipedes and arthropleurids on land. First jawed fishes, as well as many armoured jawless fish, populate the seas. Sea-scorpions reach large size. Tabulate and rugose corals, brachiopods (Pentamerida, Rhynchonellida, etc.), and crinoids all abundant. Trilobites and mollusks diverse; graptolites not as varied. 418.7 ± 2.7 *
Upper/Late (Ludlow) 422.9 ± 2.5 *
Wenlock 428.2 ± 2.3 *
Lower/Early (Llandovery) 443.7 ± 1.5 *
Ordovician Upper/Late Invertebrates diversify into many new types (e.g., long straight-shelled cephalopods). Early corals, articulate brachiopods (Orthida, Strophomenida, etc.), bivalves, nautiloids, trilobites, ostracods, bryozoa, many types of echinoderms (crinoids, cystoids, starfish, etc.), branched graptolites, and other taxa all common. Conodonts (early planktonic vertebrates) appear. First green plants and fungi on land. Ice age at end of period. 460.9 ± 1.6 *
Middle 471.8 ± 1.6
Lower/Early 488.3 ± 1.7 *
Cambrian Upper/Late (Furongian) Major diversification of life in the Cambrian Explosion. Many fossils; most modern animal phyla appear. First chordates appear, along with a number of extinct, problematic phyla. Reef-building Archaeocyatha abundant; then vanish. Trilobites, priapulid worms, sponges, inarticulate brachiopods (unhinged lampshells), and many other animals numerous. Anomalocarids are giant predators, while many Ediacaran fauna die out. Prokaryotes, protists (e.g., forams), fungi and algae continue to present day. Gondwana emerges. 501.0 ± 2.0 *
Middle 513.0 ± 2.0
Lower/Early 542.0 ± 0.3 *


Ediacaran Good fossils of multi-celled animals. Ediacaran biota flourish worldwide in seas. Trace fossils of possible worm-like Trichophycus, etc. First sponges and trilobitomorphs. Enigmatic forms include many soft-jellied creatures shaped like bags, disks, or quilts (like Dickinsonia). 630

+5/-30 *

Cryogenian Possible "snowball Earth" period. Fossils still rare. Rodinia landmass begins to break up. 850 [13]
Tonian Rodinia supercontinent persists. Trace fossils of simple multi-celled eukaryotes. First radiation of dinoflagellate-like acritarchs. 1000 [13]
Stenian Narrow highly metamorphic belts due to orogeny as supercontinent Rodinia is formed. 1200 [13]
Ectasian Platform covers continue to expand. Green algae colonies in the seas. 1400 [13]
Calymmian Platform covers expand. 1600 [13]
Statherian First complex single-celled life: protists with nuclei. Columbia is the primordial supercontinent. 1800 [13]
Orosirian The atmosphere became oxygenic. Vredefort and Sudbury Basin asteroid impacts. Much orogeny. 2050 [13]
Rhyacian Bushveld Formation occurs. Huronian glaciation. 2300 [13]
Siderian Oxygen Catastrophe: banded iron formations result. 2500 [13]
Neoarchean Stabilization of most modern cratons; possible mantle overturn event. 2800 [13]
Mesoarchean First stromatolites (probably colonial cyanobacteria). Oldest macrofossils. 3200 [13]
Paleoarchean First known oxygen-producing bacteria. Oldest definitive microfossils. 3600 [13]
Eoarchean Simple single-celled life (probably bacteria and perhaps archaea). Oldest probable microfossils. 3800
Lower Imbrian[15] This era overlaps the end of the Late Heavy Bombardment of the inner solar system. 3850
Nectarian[15] This era gets its name from the lunar geologic timescale when the Nectaris Basin and other major lunar basins were formed by large impact events. 3920
Basin Groups[15] The first Lifeforms self replicating RNA molecules may have evolved on earth around 4 bya during this era. 4150
Cryptic era[15] Formation of earth begun close to 4567.17 mya. Oldest known mineral, zircon (4400 mya). c.4567.17

[edit] References and footnotes

  1. ^ John McPhee, Basin and Range, New York:Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1981, pp.95-100.
  2. ^ John McPhee, Basin and Range, pp.113-114.
  3. ^ (1974) Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd ed. (in Russian), Moscow: Sovetskaya Enciklopediya, vol. 16, p. 50. 
  4. ^ Felix M. Gradstein, James G. Ogg, Alan G. Smith (Editors); A Geologic Time Scale 2004, Cambridge University Press, 2005, (ISBN 0-521-78673-8)
  5. ^ Cox & Richard, A formal model for the geologic time scale and global stratotype section and point, compatible with geospatial information transfer standards, Geosphere, volume 1, pp 119-137, Geological Society of America, 2005
  6. ^ Paleontologists often refer to faunal stages rather than geologic (geological) periods. The stage nomenclature is quite complex. See The Paleobiology Database. Retrieved on 2006-03-19. for an excellent time ordered list of faunal stages.
  7. ^ Dates are slightly uncertain with differences of a few percent between various sources being common. This is largely due to uncertainties in radiometric dating and the problem that deposits suitable for radiometric dating seldom occur exactly at the places in the geologic column where they would be most useful. The dates and errors quoted above are according to the International Commission on Stratigraphy 2004 time scale. Dates labeled with a * indicate boundaries where a Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point has been internationally agreed upon: see List of Global Boundary Stratotype Sections and Points for a complete list.
  8. ^ a b Historically, the Cenozoic has been divided up into the Quaternary and Tertiary sub-eras, as well as the Neogene and Paleogene periods. However, the International Commission on Stratigraphy has recently decided to stop endorsing the terms Quaternary and Tertiary as part of the formal nomenclature.
  9. ^ The start time for the Holocene epoch is here given as 11,430 years ago ± 130 years (that is, between 9610 B.C. and 9350 B.C.). For further discussion of the dating of this epoch, see Holocene.
  10. ^ a b In North America, the Carboniferous is subdivided into Mississippian and Pennsylvanian Periods.
  11. ^ the Precambrian is also known as Cryptozoic.
  12. ^ a b c The Proterozoic, Archean and Hadean are often collectively referred to as the Precambrian or Cryptozoic.
  13. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Defined by absolute age (Global Standard Stratigraphic Age).
  14. ^ Though commonly used, the Hadean is not a formal eon and no lower bound for the Archean has been agreed upon. The Hadean has also sometimes been called the Priscoan or the Azoic. Sometimes, the Hadean can be found to be subdivided according to the lunar geologic time scale. These eras include the Cryptic and Basin Groups (which are subdivisions of the pre-Nectarian era), Nectarian, and Lower Imbrian eras.
  15. ^ a b c d Since little or no geological evidence on Earth exists from the time spanned by the Hadean Eon, Eras of the Moon have been used by at least one notable scientific work as unofficial subdivisions of the terrestrial Hadean eon. (W. Harland, R. Armstrong, A. Cox, L. Craig, A. Smith, D. Smith (1990). A Geologic time scale 1989. Cambridge University Press.)

[edit] See also

[edit] External links


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Timeline of evolution

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For the history of evolutionary biology, see History of evolutionary thought.

This timeline of the evolution of life outlines the major events in the development of life on the planet Earth. For a thorough explanatory context, see the history of Earth, and geologic time scale. The dates given in this article are estimates based on scientific evidence.

In biology, evolution is the process by which populations of organisms acquire and pass on novel traits from generation to generation. Its occurrence over large stretches of time explains the origin of new species and ultimately the vast diversity of the biological world. Contemporary species are related to each other through common descent, products of evolution and speciation over billions of years.



[edit] Basic timeline

The basic timeline is a 4.6 billion year old Earth, with (very approximately):

[edit] Detailed timeline

Note that Ma means "million years ago".

[edit] Hadean eon

3800 Ma and earlier.

Date Event
4567.17 Ma The planet Earth forms from the accretion disc revolving around the young Sun.
4533 Ma The planet Earth and the planet Theia collide, sending countless moonlets into orbit around the young Earth. These moonlets eventually coalesce to form the Moon. The gravitational pull of the new Moon stabilises the Earth's fluctuating axis of rotation and sets up the conditions for the formation of life.[1]
4100 Ma The surface of the Earth cools enough for the crust to solidify. The atmosphere and the oceans form.[2]
Between 4500 and 2500 Ma The earliest life appears, possibly derived from self-reproducing RNA molecules. The replication of these organisms requires resources like energy, space, and smaller building blocks, which soon become limited, resulting in competition. Natural selection favours those molecules which are more efficient at replication. DNA molecules then take over as the main replicators. They soon develop inside enclosing membranes which provide a stable physical and chemical environment conducive to their replication: proto-cells.
3900 Ma Late Heavy Bombardment: peak rate of impact events upon the inner planets by meteors. This constant disturbance probably obliterated any life that had already evolved, as the oceans boiled away completely; conversely, life may have been transported to Earth by a meteor. [3]
Somewhere between 3900 - 2500 Ma Cells resembling prokaryotes appear. These first organisms are chemoautotrophs: they use carbon dioxide as a carbon source and oxidize inorganic materials to extract energy. Later, prokaryotes evolve glycolysis, a set of chemical reactions that free the energy of organic molecules such as glucose. Glycolysis generates ATP molecules as short-term energy currency, and ATP continue to be used in almost all organisms, unchanged, to this day.

[edit] Archean eon

3800 Ma - 2500 Ma

Date Event
3500 Ma Lifetime of the last universal ancestor; the split between the bacteria and the archaea occurs.

Bacteria develop primitive forms of photosynthesis which at first do not produce oxygen. These organisms generate ATP by exploiting a proton gradient, a mechanism still used in virtually all organisms.

3000 Ma
Photosynthesizing cyanobacteria evolve; they use water as a reducing agent, thereby producing oxygen as waste product. The oxygen initially oxidizes dissolved iron in the oceans, creating iron ore. The oxygen concentration in the atmosphere subsequently rises, acting as a poison for many bacteria. The moon is still very close to the earth and causes tides 1000 feet high. The earth is continually wracked by hurricane force winds. These extreme mixing influences are thought to stimulate evolutionary processes. (See Oxygen Catastrophe)

[edit] Proterozoic eon

2500 Ma - 542 Ma

Date Event
By 2100 Ma Eukaryotic cells appear. Eukaryotes contain membrane-bound organelles with diverse functions, probably derived prokaryotes englufing each other via phagocytosis.
By 1200 Ma Sexual reproduction evolves, increasing the rate of evolution.[4][citation needed]
1200 Ma Simple multicellular organisms evolve, mostly consisting of cell colonies of limited complexity.
850–630 Ma A global glaciation may have reduced the diversity of life. Opinion is divided on whether it increased or decreased the rate of evolution.[citation needed]
580-542 Ma The Ediacaran biota represent the first large, complex multicellular organisms - although their affinities remain a subject of debate.
580–500 Ma Most modern groups begin to appear in the fossil record during the Cambrian explosion.
Around 540 Ma The accumulation of atmospheric oxygen allows the formation of an ozone layer. This blocks ultraviolet radiation, permitting the colonisation of the land.

[edit] Phanerozoic eon

542 Ma - present

The Phanerozoic eon, literally the "period of well-displayed life", marks the appearance in the fossil record of abundant, shell-forming organisms. It is subdivided into three eras, the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic, which are divided by major mass extinctions.

[edit] Paleozoic era

542 Ma - 251.0 Ma

Date Event
530 Ma The first known footprints on land date to 530 Ma, indicating that early animal explorations may have predated the development of terrestrial plants.[5]
475 Ma The first primitive plants move onto land,[6][citation needed] having evolved from green algae living along the edges of lakes.[7] They are accompanied by fungi, which may have aided the colonisation of land through symbiosis.
363 Ma By the start of the Carboniferous period, the Earth begins to be recognisable. Insects roamed the land and would soon take to the skies; sharks predated the oceans,[8] and vegetation covered the land, with seed-bearing plants and forests soon to flourish.

Four-limbed tetrapods gradually gain adaptions which will help them occupy a terrestrial life-habit.

251.4Ma The Permian-Triassic extinction event eliminates over 95% of species. This "clearing of the slate" may have led to an ensuing diversification.

[edit] Mesozoic era

Date Event
From 251.4 Ma The Mesozoic Marine Revolution begins: increasingly well-adapted and diverse predators pressurise sessile marine groups; the "balance of power" in the oceans shifts dramatically as some groups of prey adapt more rapidly and effectively than others.
220 Ma
Eoraptor, an early dinosaur.

Gymnosperm forests dominate the land; herbivores grow to huge sizes in order to accommodate the large guts necessary to digest the nutrient-poor plants.[citation needed]

200 Ma The first accepted evidence for viruses - the group Geminiviridae at least exists.[9] Viruses are still poorly understood and may have arisen before "life" itself, or may be a more recent phenomenon.
130 Ma The rise of the Angiosperms: These flowering plants boast structures that attract insects and other animals to spread pollen. This innovation causes a major burst of animal evolution through co-evolution.

[edit] Cenozoic era

65.5 Ma - present

Date Event
65.5 Ma
An asteroid impact probably wiped out half of all animals species 65½ million years ago. Other life forms became extinct as well.

The Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event eradicates about half of all animal species, including all non-avian dinosaurs.

35 Ma Grasses evolve from among the angiosperms; grassland dominates many terrestrial ecosystems.
14,000 years ago The term Anthropocene has been used to describe the period of time during which Man has had a major impact on the planet and its inhabitants. Its beginning is marked by the megafaunal extinction in the Americas which signify the onset of the Holocene extinction event. Fierce debate rages about the influence of man in the initiation of this extinction, but no one can deny that humanity is contributing to its propagation.
Present day With a human population approaching 6.67 billion,[10] the impact of humanity is felt in all corners of the globe. Overfishing, anthropogenic climate change, industrialisation, intensive agriculture, clearance of rain forests and other activities contribute to a dramatically rising extinction rate.[11] At current rates, humanity will have eradicated one-half of life's biodiveristy over the next hundred years.[12]

[edit] See also

[edit] Further reading

[edit] References

  1. ^ Planetary Science Institute page on the Giant Impact Hypothesis. Hartmann and Davis belonged to the PSI. This page also contains several paintings of the impact by Hartmann himself.
  2. ^ "However, once the Earth cooled sufficiently, sometime in the first 700 million years of its existence, clouds began to form in the atmosphere, and the Earth entered a new phase of development." How the Oceans Formed (URL accessed on January 9, 2005)
  3. ^ " Between about 3.8 billion and 4.5 billion years ago, no place in the solar system was safe from the huge arsenal of asteroids and comets left over from the formation of the planets. Sleep and Zahnle calculate that Earth was probably hit repeatedly by objects up to 500 kilometers across" Geophysicist Sleep: Martian underground may have harbored early life (URL accessed on January 9, 2005)
  4. ^ "'Experiments with sex have been very hard to conduct,' Goddard said. 'In an experiment, one needs to hold all else constant, apart from the aspect of interest. This means that no higher organisms can be used, since they have to have sex to reproduce and therefore provide no asexual control.'
    Goddard and colleagues instead turned to a single-celled organism, yeast, to test the idea that sex allows populations to adapt to new conditions more rapidly than asexual populations." Sex Speeds Up Evolution, Study Finds (URL accessed on January 9, 2005)
  5. ^ "The oldest fossils of footprints ever found on land hint that animals may have beaten plants out of the primordial seas. Lobster-sized, centipede-like or slug like animals such as Protichnites and Climactichnites made the prints wading out of the ocean and scuttling over sand dunes about 530 million years ago. Previous fossils indicated that animals didn't take this step until 40 million years later." Oldest fossil footprints on land
  6. ^ "The oldest fossils reveal evolution of non-vascular plants by the middle to late Ordovician Period (~450-440 m.y.a.) on the basis of fossil spores" Transition of plants to land
  7. ^ "The land plants evolved from the algae, more specifically green algae, as suggested by certain common biochemical traits" The first land plants
  8. ^ "The ancestry of sharks dates back more than 200 million years before the earliest known dinosaur. Introduction to shark evolution, geologic time and age determination
  9. ^ "Viruses of nearly all the major classes of organisms—animals, plants, fungi and bacteria/archaea—probably evolved with their hosts in the seas, given that most of the evolution of life on this planet has occurred there. This means that viruses also probably emerged from the waters with their different hosts, during the successive waves of colonisation of the terrestrial environment." Origins of Viruses (URL accessed on January 9, 2005)
  10. ^ An United States Census Bureau estimate of the number of people alive on Earth at any given moment. United States census bureau
  11. ^ The American Museum of Natural History National Survey Reveals Biodiversity Crisis (URL accessed on February 23, 2006)
  12. ^ E. O. Wilson, Harvard University, The Future of Life (2002)

[edit] External links

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